Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 6 - Central Baptist Church

It rained all afternoon. Luckily the sun came out just as it was going down. This little church had the cutest mailbox shaped like a church. In order to get the big church in the shot I had to shoot from the back of the mailbox.


  1. I love it. Looks like a cute little church and then the big papa in the background. Cool angle.

  2. I like how the main church is in the background. Interesting composition.

  3. Very nice angle. Have you done any special post processing? The colors are very cool.

  4. I love this one. I thought at first it was two real churches, and was going to ask whether you did some special processing to make one look like a toy! Nice work and a very well thought out angle to shoot from. Well done.

  5. I love this one cap, really cool depth of field, almost looks like one of those miniature shots.

  6. I did have to do a lot of post processing on this one because the awb was set for some ebay pictures I was taking earlier that day. I forgot to reset it because I was just happy that the rain stopped. So if it looks weird, that's probably why. I put a strong warming filter and a color balance layer on top, plus a curves mask to brighten up the tiny church in front.

    The DOF was intentional,but it didn't turn out as sharp as I hoped in the foreground. I can see what I wanted in my mind's eye but have no idea how to achieve that with the meager equipment I own (just a Pentax kit lens 18-55mm on a *istDL).

  7. Your pic won't load for me and I've a couple of times in the last few hours now. :o(

  8. lovely use of Dof! I like your theme. We have plenty of churches here.

  9. We actually have a church in the city that also sports a mini-church mailbox!
